[CM996GR2] If you can't decide on a grey, try this!!
Introducing the popular New Balance CM996GR2. Whether it's a gift or for yourself, If you're looking for something grey from New Balance This is a model that you can't go wrong with! All staff at the LaLaport Fukuoka store are wearing them, I can recommend it with confidence! I love the feeling of them gradually becoming more comfortable on my feet. I'm sure you'll love how comfortable they are!
But it's a bit... If you are one of those people, New Balance has something for you. Please choose your shoe laces. The material is cotton, which improves the fit. We have a variety of colors to express your individuality. By the way, I recommend the light grey one! It matches the texture of the suede really well! Take care of it and enjoy aging it to your liking.
Sizes range from 22.0 to 29.0 and 30.0. We also have 996 Grey for children. Please join us together with the staff at the LaLaport Fukuoka store. Join the New Balance family!
New Balance独自の撥水加工を施した"Closd mesh"でアッパーを構成、厳冬期のパウダースノーの景色と、光に反射する淡いパール光を落ち着きのあるホワイト&ゴールドカラーで表現。前述の"Closd mesh"の機能が優れた撥水性を発揮、雨天等の悪天候でも足元をドライにキープ。ヒール部とアッパー左右にはホワイトカラーで再帰反射加工を施し、反射光による夜間の視認性を確保。併せてフルレングスのFuelCellミッドソールで着用時の優れた跳躍力を体感できる。