If you are a myNB member, you can enjoy free shipping on orders over 5,000 yen (tax included) at any time!
Plus, kids' shoes are always shipped free!

Customer Service Center Inquiries


*If you have any inquiries after your purchase, please include the name of the store where you made the purchase, the address, and the date of purchase in your inquiry.

RequiredInquiry Type
Product name (inquiry part number)
Requiredname [Surname][given name] (please enter in full-width characters)
RequiredFurigana [Surname][May] (please enter in full-width characters)
post code (Please enter 7 digits using half-width numbers. Example: 9999999)
Address 1 (county, city, ward) (Enter your county, city, or ward)
Address 2 (onward) (Please enter your street name and number)
Address 3 (Apartment name, etc.) (Please enter the name of the apartment building, etc. if you have one)
Requiredtelephone number
Requiredemail address
RequiredEmail address (for confirmation) (Please enter your email address again to confirm)
RequiredInquiry details (opinions and questions)

*If you have any inquiries after your purchase, please also include the name of the store where you purchased the item, its address, and the date of purchase.

We will respond during our business hours.
[Business hours: 11:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00 (weekdays, Monday-Friday *excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and our company holidays)]
We will usually reply within two business days, but depending on the content of your inquiry,
If it takes some time for us to respond, or if we respond by phone,
Please note that we may not be able to respond to your inquiry.