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We will guide you to the perfect size. Easy size fitting online. unisize


Unisize is a size that fits your body shape.
Supports online try-on to find the perfect apparel size.
We will suggest the most suitable size for you.
Please use this information as a reference when choosing your size and enjoy shopping.

Try on by body type
Try on by body type
Compare with what you have
Compare with what you have

How To UseTry on by body type

  • ①. Tap the "Find your perfect size" banner on the product details page*Banner display is only available for unisize products.

  • ②. Answer a simple questionnaire about your gender, height, weight, and whether or not you have registered a photo.

    • *You can search for brands other than the four displayed.
      Please enter the brand name in alphabetical order in the search box.

      *If the brand you frequently use is not displayed, please select the brand name that you think is closest.

  • ③. The recommended size and how the item will look when worn are displayed in silhouette.

Useful Functionuseful function

  • Easily compare with previously purchased items or items you already own*You can view your past purchase history by logging in to the official New Balance online store.

  • You can change your registration information at any timeFrom the "Menu" in the upper left of the screen, you can edit your body information and register the items you own.

    *Currently, the only way to log in to unisize is via Facebook.
    Even if you do not log in to unisize, the recommendation results after using unisize will be stored in cookies.

Check Item

Please use unisize.
Enjoy comfortable shopping without worrying about clothing sizes.


・unisize is a service provided by Makeip Co., Ltd.
・Survey input information and results are stored for each browser, so if you use a browser other than the one you used to respond, you will need to respond to the survey again.

[Usage environment]

We recommend using unisize in the following environments.

- Use on a computer
- The latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari

- Use on smartphones
・Android: Latest version of Chrome
・iOS: Latest versions of Safari and Chrome

*Items that do not display the unisize banner are not eligible for this service.


·Please confirm from here