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New Balance Harajuku
Wearing size: L
Fit: Slightly loose

Wearing size: L
Fit: Just right
Wearing size: XL
Fit: Just right

Wearing size: 28.0cm
Fit: Just right

The outerwear is made of nylon and is lightweight, making it easy to wear while running. It is a very useful item for the upcoming chilly season.
The top matches the color of the outerwear and is made of a quick-drying material, so it's easy to mix and match. It's also very convenient because it dries quickly even when it's humid.
The pants are 5 inches long and reach above the knee, so they make your legs look slimmer and are highly recommended!
The shoes are white Super Comp Trainer. They are easy to match with any color of clothes, so they are easy to use. The comfort is so good that it feels like there is a spring in the heel, making them a very fun shoe to run in.
This time, we have created items that are easy to use even when it gets cold in the early autumn. Please come and try them on! We are waiting for you!